Rocket Method™ Finance Blog

With Expert Trader, Marcus Tay

Positive trading day: EOD Chart 22 June 2022

Slow day on the S&P500 yielding only 5 entry signals into a generally up-trending day. All 5 entries were profitable. It is projected that the ES might slide another 30% into Bear’s territories, we shall see about that. Nonetheless, we pick what we could. #emini

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About Marcus Tay

Marcus is a full time trader since 2003, trading is not just his career but his life passion. With his keen trading acumen and insights of the market, and a total investment of more than 10,000 hours. He has perfected the strategies that he now trades by. He has already taught his trading course to many ordinary individuals using Rocket Method™ strategies, and many of them are now successfully creating a 2nd source of income. Marcus graduated with a Degree in Psychology and Mass Communications from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia Canada.

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10 reasons why you should

In this FREE e-book, I will share with you 10 reasons why you should start and consider day trading.

Small ideas they are, but they sure make HUGE differences.

To your success,

Marcus Tay
Concept Of Price

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